Critically acclaimed performances of La Fanciulla del West at Winter Opera St Louis
Jorge Pita Carreras (Ramerrez) and Karen Kanakis (Minnie) in Winter Opera St Louis' La Fanciulla del West. Photo credit: Riq Dilly.
Winter Opera St Louis | Skip Viragh Center for the Arts, St Louis
March 6 & 8, 2020
Broadway World (Opera)
"The fine orchestra is led by Dario Salvi [...] the score is filled with a sophisticated orchestration and harmonies. Yet another splendid production by Winter Opera."
— Steve Callahan, March 2020
"Dario Salvi conducts a powerful rendition of Puccini's unusually colorful score, with some first-rate playing from the musicians - some of whom will be familiar to regulars at St. Louis Symphony Orchestra concerts."
— Chuck Lavazzi, March 2020
Ladue News
"Conductor Dario Salvi smoothly led the Winter Opera orchestra in an accomplished reading of Puccini’s engaging score, while stage director Jon Truitt coaxed convincing, naturalistic performances from his able cast."
St. Louis Today
"[Soprano Karen Kanakis'] powerful voice renders the emotional growth of her character, easily penetrating the incredible wall of sound generated by conductor Dario Salvi and the orchestra."
— Eric Meyer, March 2020